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Hitachi Scholarship Program 2012

Hitachi Scholarship Foundation To Japan
The Hitachi Scholarship Foundation (“Foundation”) provides the scholars and researchers in Southeast Asian countries with opportunities to conduct their post-doctorate and cooperative research in the field of science and technology at Japanese universities or research institutes under the following conditions.

Hitachi Scholarship Foundation provides the opportunity for International Students to obtain the Hitachi Scholarship Program, Hitachi Research Fellowship Program, and Komai Fellowship Program.

HITACHI Scholarship Program
          This program is offered to the university staffs who wish to study at Japanese graduate schools for Master’s or Doctoral Course in the area of science and technology and intend to contribute to their university for promotion of higher education after completion of study in Japan. Under this program, we have invited 158 university staffs since 1985.

HITACHI Research Followshing Program
          This program intends to encourage the university staffs having keen interest in conducting post-doctoral research in the area of science and technology to enhance their professional backgrounds and promote academic collaboration through building mutual human network with Japanese universities and/or institutions. We have invited 128 university staffs since 1986.

KOMAI Followship Program
          This program started in 1989 under the auspices of late Mr. K. Komai, the first Chairman of the Hitachi Scholarship Foundation, to encourage interactions between Southeast Asian countries and Japan. The program, therefore, intends to encourage the university staffs having keen interest in conducting study and research to enhance their academic and professional backgrounds in the area of social and cultural science related to Japan. We have invited 40 university staffs to date.

For more information about the scholarship CLICK here..

1 komentar:

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Nice Artikel,.. I like It's ,.. Keep Posting Broo :)

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