IPDN Scholarship (STPDN) Year 2012-2013
IPDN Scholarship (STPDN) Year 2012-2013
Announcement of Admission Candidates Praja IPDN (STPDN) from 2012 to 2013
NUMBER : 892.1/1733 A / SJ
Respectfully informed that the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Indonesia on the Academic Year 2012/2013 opening an opportunity for the son / daughter of citizen of the Republic of Indonesia to follow Kepamongprajaan Higher Education (Diploma IV), the Institute of Public Administration (IPDN).
The provisions of receipt Candidates Praja IPDN School Year 2012/2013, are as follows:
The provisions of receipt Candidates Praja IPDN School Year 2012/2013, are as follows:
A. Requirements Applicant / Candidate Selection, include :
a. Citizen of Indonesia;b. Age Applicants / Participants generally a maximum of 21 Selections (twenty one) years per May 21, 2012 and Participant Selection PNS Learning Task A maximum age of 24 (twenty four) years per May 21, 2012 and have become civil servants working period of at least 2 (two) years;c. Participant's height selection MINIMAL MAN and WOMAN AT LEAST 160 CM 155 CM;d. Year Diploma / Certificate of Graduate Study (STTB) High School (SMA) / Madrasah Aliyah (MA) enrollees, namely in 2010, 2011 and 2012;e. The average value of diploma / STTB SMA / MA of at least 7.00 (zero point zero seven);f. No tattoos or scars, and tattoos for the selection of participants is not a man or a former stud pierced ears or other limbs except for the provision of religious / traditional;g. Do not use glasses / contact lenses according to the elements of a medical examination;h. For Applicants who are still sitting in class XII in 2012, can register themselves by including a statement signed and ratified by the principal, who stated that he is still sitting in class XII, or use a certificate of graduation marks National Examination signed and ratified by the Principal;i. Police records Certificate (SKCK) of the Police District / Municipality;j. Health Certificate of Regulated General Hospital (Hospital) / local government health center;k. Statement of never married / unmarried, pregnant / giving birth and can not marry / mate for education are known to follow a parent / guardian and the authorized head of the village / local village chief, who stated in writing, signed on the stamp Rp. 6000, -. (Pernyataan1 letter format);l. Statement willing to comply with Civil Service Rules and willing to restore the life of the entire cost of education that has been issued because the government resigned, dismissed and / or violate the rules of education and is known by the parent / guardian, expressed in writing, signed on the stamp Rp. 6000, -. (Pernyataan2 letter format);m. Statement prepared without requiring upfront court dismissed through administrative court if criminal activity, consume or sell the drug buy, make fights, beatings and beatings, and immoral act, law or no impact, expressed in writing and signed on the stamp Rp. 6000, -. (Pernyataan3 letter format);
a. Citizen of Indonesia;b. Age Applicants / Participants generally a maximum of 21 Selections (twenty one) years per May 21, 2012 and Participant Selection PNS Learning Task A maximum age of 24 (twenty four) years per May 21, 2012 and have become civil servants working period of at least 2 (two) years;c. Participant's height selection MINIMAL MAN and WOMAN AT LEAST 160 CM 155 CM;d. Year Diploma / Certificate of Graduate Study (STTB) High School (SMA) / Madrasah Aliyah (MA) enrollees, namely in 2010, 2011 and 2012;e. The average value of diploma / STTB SMA / MA of at least 7.00 (zero point zero seven);f. No tattoos or scars, and tattoos for the selection of participants is not a man or a former stud pierced ears or other limbs except for the provision of religious / traditional;g. Do not use glasses / contact lenses according to the elements of a medical examination;h. For Applicants who are still sitting in class XII in 2012, can register themselves by including a statement signed and ratified by the principal, who stated that he is still sitting in class XII, or use a certificate of graduation marks National Examination signed and ratified by the Principal;i. Police records Certificate (SKCK) of the Police District / Municipality;j. Health Certificate of Regulated General Hospital (Hospital) / local government health center;k. Statement of never married / unmarried, pregnant / giving birth and can not marry / mate for education are known to follow a parent / guardian and the authorized head of the village / local village chief, who stated in writing, signed on the stamp Rp. 6000, -. (Pernyataan1 letter format);l. Statement willing to comply with Civil Service Rules and willing to restore the life of the entire cost of education that has been issued because the government resigned, dismissed and / or violate the rules of education and is known by the parent / guardian, expressed in writing, signed on the stamp Rp. 6000, -. (Pernyataan2 letter format);m. Statement prepared without requiring upfront court dismissed through administrative court if criminal activity, consume or sell the drug buy, make fights, beatings and beatings, and immoral act, law or no impact, expressed in writing and signed on the stamp Rp. 6000, -. (Pernyataan3 letter format);
2. Other requirements include :
a. Copy of Diploma / Certificate of Graduate Study (STTB) High School (SMA) / Madrasah Aliyah (MA), legalized by the competent authority;b. Pasphoto colored facing forward and do not wear glasses, size 3 x 4 cm by 6 (six) pieces, and 4 x 6 cm 4 (four);c. Post card size photographs (4R), which displays the entire posture of the body, from head to toe, perfect stance position, with a short sleeved white dress and black pants for male participants, women adjust, as much as 1 (one);d. Submit various statements that have been determined;f. Enrollment requirements neatly organized and put into blue stofmap for male applicants and applicants stofmap red for women.3. Registration Venue and Time:
* Place of Registration:Registration is done by the participants in the selection of Candidates Praja IPDN District Personnel Agency / City throughout Indonesia.
* Registration Time:Registration implemented from the date of May 21, 2012 until the date of May 30, 2012.
4. Academic test material to measure multiple intelligences (multiple intelligence)
Praja IPDN candidate, consisting of:
Pancasila;1945 Constitution;General Knowledge (History, Government Policies, Autonomous Regions, Law, Domestic and Foreign Knowledge);Indonesian language;English;Mathematics.
a. Candidate selection for Praja IPDN Participants who in 2012 was still in grade XII SMA / MA, and the future is concerned it did not pass SMA / MA and / or values of the average STTB SMA / MA does not qualify the value of 7, 00 (seven point zero zero) then the Ruling stated that although the question has been passed as Praja IPDN selection.b. Participants who passed the selection acceptance Candidates Praja IPDN Academic Year 2012/2013 Kepamongprajaan eligible for Higher Education (Diploma IV) and ready to be placed in the Campus Center or Campus IPDN IPDN Region.c. For further information please contact BKD Province, Regency / Municipality.d. If there are parties / persons offering services by promising to be accepted into Candidates Praja IPDN by asking certain benefits, then the act is a fraud. The committee is not responsible for the actions of party / person is.
a. Copy of Diploma / Certificate of Graduate Study (STTB) High School (SMA) / Madrasah Aliyah (MA), legalized by the competent authority;b. Pasphoto colored facing forward and do not wear glasses, size 3 x 4 cm by 6 (six) pieces, and 4 x 6 cm 4 (four);c. Post card size photographs (4R), which displays the entire posture of the body, from head to toe, perfect stance position, with a short sleeved white dress and black pants for male participants, women adjust, as much as 1 (one);d. Submit various statements that have been determined;f. Enrollment requirements neatly organized and put into blue stofmap for male applicants and applicants stofmap red for women.3. Registration Venue and Time:
* Place of Registration:Registration is done by the participants in the selection of Candidates Praja IPDN District Personnel Agency / City throughout Indonesia.
* Registration Time:Registration implemented from the date of May 21, 2012 until the date of May 30, 2012.
4. Academic test material to measure multiple intelligences (multiple intelligence)
Praja IPDN candidate, consisting of:
Pancasila;1945 Constitution;General Knowledge (History, Government Policies, Autonomous Regions, Law, Domestic and Foreign Knowledge);Indonesian language;English;Mathematics.
a. Candidate selection for Praja IPDN Participants who in 2012 was still in grade XII SMA / MA, and the future is concerned it did not pass SMA / MA and / or values of the average STTB SMA / MA does not qualify the value of 7, 00 (seven point zero zero) then the Ruling stated that although the question has been passed as Praja IPDN selection.b. Participants who passed the selection acceptance Candidates Praja IPDN Academic Year 2012/2013 Kepamongprajaan eligible for Higher Education (Diploma IV) and ready to be placed in the Campus Center or Campus IPDN IPDN Region.c. For further information please contact BKD Province, Regency / Municipality.d. If there are parties / persons offering services by promising to be accepted into Candidates Praja IPDN by asking certain benefits, then the act is a fraud. The committee is not responsible for the actions of party / person is.
For Further Iinformation and Application please visit :
Source : http://www.depdagri.go.id/pages/penerimaan-calon-praja-ipdn-2012
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